North By Northwest

A journey undertaken in June 2006 to Ferozepur, Jammu, Udhampur and Katra to see, among other things, bridge and tunnel construction on the Udhampur-Katra section of the line to Kashmir.

Date: 2006-12-13
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 64 items

The cavernous DMU Carshed at Jalandhar City. By B Vohra


Readying the token for the down Swaraj Express at Bhogpur Sirwal


Proximity to the Ravi is a boon for these rice farmers.


The rugged landscape between Pathankot and Jammu makes a sojourn at the door quite worthwhile. By B Vohra


Punjab's ubiquitous DMU' B Vohra


Semaphores dip in anticipation of the Puja Express at Samba,a town made infamous by the cooked up spying scandal of the 70's. Note the steep gradient ahead.


The Puja Express thunders past behind a WDM 3 A


Semaphores at sunset


The Ahmedabad - Jammu Express approaches the Basantar River. The express becomes a passenger between Pathankot and Jammu, but had a fine run nevertheless.


Jammu Tawi - the Delhi end. Note the trip shed in the distance. By B Vohra


The Udhampur end at JAT. The LHB rake of the just arrived Shalimar Express is on Pf 3. By B Vohra


The view across the Tawi from a hill in Jammu. The bridge across the dry khad on the opposite hill bears the line to Udhampur. Photo by B Vohra


The Tawi Valley, seen from a DMU between JAT and Bajalata.


This is a fairly scenic section, though in June the hills were dry and dusty


Another nice lineside scene. Photo by B Vohra

(view all 7 comments)
Thanks a lot! I was nostalgic for a while after browsing this album :-)
Posted by Rajeev Shrivastava on 2006 Dec 17 23:23:49 +0000
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Thank you all for the kind words.
Saifullah - we were guests of NR's Special Projects Construction Team and their on-site contractors & workers - ordinary people doing an extraordinary engineering job in difficult terrain, with a security...
Posted by Mohan Bhuyan on 2006 Dec 16 15:04:58 +0000
Hey Mohan and Bharat, thanks for giving us such a great insight into the railway system, both existing and being built. Also for the nice coverage of Hussainiwala area.
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2006 Dec 15 19:48:57 +0000