Odds and Ends

Date: 2003-02-22
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 592 items (1153 items total)

A view of the famous shaking minarets at Ahmedabad. The ADI DRM's coach can be seen to the right. Ahmedabad, 2005-07-11. Abhijit.


Most recent change at SBC, Board on entrance to Trip shed changed with correct zone marking, Compare with photo at this location http://www.irfca.org/photos/Misc/DSCN1664. Bangalore City Jn., 2005 07 08. Pavan Kumar.


1934 Timetable - can anyone tell me what a 'Sunday Hat special' was?. From 1934 Bradshaw Scan - Dlelete If Felt To Imfringe Copyright.


Electronic Display board at Secunderabad RS showing coach positions of 7021 exp. 2nd July 2005. Shailesh Jasani.


"Work in progress" though it seems that the courier people in hyb have something othe in mind..!!!. Hyderabad, 2nd July 2005. Shailesh Jasani.


An old timetable board at Hyderabad station. HYB station, Unknown. Unknown. Upload By Vrijilesh Rai.


Mockup of a loco plinthed outside the Rajputana Rifles regimental centre in Delhi Cantt. The notice says that it commemorates the last train from occupied Pakistan which came in on Dec 31, 1972. The logo carried on the loco front is a Pakistan Rail logo,


Gunite is the name of a concrete slurry that is applied using compressed air on walls etc. The Guniting process has been done in 1980s on this rock face to stabilize it. This was a popular process before the KR style rock nets were widely available. Shind


Found riveted on a stone lying near the tracks - any idea what equipment this might be ?. Pune Jn., 2005-06-19. Apurva (iti@vsnl.com).


Station building is based on MMTS. Nizamabad, 19 June 2005. Shailesh Jasani.


Manufacturers plate on MG crane. Nizamabad, 19 June 2005. Shailesh Jasani.


The MG steam crane. Nizamabad, 19 June 2005. Shailesh Jasani.


The resting place of steam crane at nizamabad. the entire structure is crumbling. Nizamabad, 19 June 2005. Shailesh Jasani.


Bogie of engine used at Nizamabad. Nizamabad, 19 June 2005. Shailesh Jasani.


Some equipment may be of YDM 4 or may be coaches.. dynamo mounting can be seen in the pic. Nizamabad, 19 June 2005. Shailesh Jasani.