On the way to Shindawane, our 1609A passenger waits for a crossing at Alandi with this pair of WDG 3As.
At last, I get a picture showing the actual moment of connection - of the ball token being picked up. This is ironic, as the Niele's ball token would be discontinued in this section soon with the introduction of the "token-less" panel interlocking and colour light signals. The locomotives are KJM shed's WDG 3A # 13031 with 13267 at Alandi (ALN) on the Pune - Miraj route. Our own train, the 1609A passenger is in the background.

Date: 2007-06-16
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x725

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make Canon Model Canon PowerShot A610
Aperture Value f/4 Color Space sRGB
Flash Unknown: 88 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/500 sec Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Date/Time 2007 Jun 16 07:38:53 +0100

the twins seem to be running light!
Posted by S Ashwin on 2007 Jun 19 05:13:00 +0100
Nice shot at the right moment!
Posted by Prakash Tendulkar on 2007 Jun 19 03:53:37 +0100