WT 14025 Tannuku
For those like me who missed out on steam in the UK, places like India and China were a substitute of sorts. The WM 2-8-4Ts, such as WT 14025 at Tannuku with Train No.367 from Rajahmundry on 1979.01.03, at least had hints of the classic lines of the LMS Stanier and Fairburn 2-6-4Ts.
WT 14025 was built at India's Chittaranjan Locomotive Works in 1966, so was only 13 years old at the time of this photograph; it probably only survived for another year or two after this was taken.

Date: 2012-05-18
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 800x532

Isn't it 2-8-4? This is out of my ignorance, please.
Posted by Krupa Ratnam on 2012 May 22 04:46:59 +0100