Royapuram - Then and Now

Date: 2005-11-09
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 29 items

Crumbling structure of Royapuram station in Chennai on the Beach-Vyasarpadi line. Chennai, Apr 3, 04. By Gautam.


View of the old platform - towards the east with the Plasser Maintanence area. Jimmy Jose.


View of the old platform - towards west. Jimmy Jose.


The roof of the hall has some kind of carvings. They too have fallen apart. Jimmy Jose.


A closer look at the victorian windows. Jimmy Jose.


The beauifully carved windows and doors had almost fallen apart. Jimmy Jose.


This name board too seems to be very old. Look at the name "RAYAPURAM" (probably the old name) etched. Jimmy Jose.


The grand porch of the station. A part of the pillar on the left was pulled down to facilitate electrification. Jimmy Jose.


There are no roads that lead to the station. People had to cross these railway tracks to get there. Jimmy Jose.


The station from another side. Jimmy Jose.


Chennai Royapuram station, waited for many decades for an uplift. This heritage station, probably the oldest surviving railway station in the country was recently renovated. These pictures were taken prior to it's renovation, in January 2005. It was b


Another view of the crumbling structure. I did not have enough courage to go inside. Jimmy Jose.


This building was the general office of MSMR once. The new MSMR headquarters (now SR neadquarters) was built in 1921 next to Central station. The offices has been left to the nature's wrath since then. Jimmy Jose.


Arches standing nowhere. There must have been a roof for the entire station. There is a small platform too, Maybe platform no. 1 once. Similar to the arches at Egmore. Jimmy Jose.


Residents of the station a year ago. These puppies were the only company I had during my hour long stay here. Jimmy Jose.