This one shows the side profile of the WDG4 and also the angled LHF view. I am currently working on getting the detailing of the locomotive, completed. Once the windows, exhaust assembly/fans, doors, ladders and the roof details are complete, the painting process would commence. This is a working HO scale model with operational headlamps. (Model construction by Nikhil Ganu : Atlanta GA : 04-20-2007)

Date: 2007-04-20
Owner: Guest
Full size: 1150x951

Thats because the top part of the cab end is too long. The slanted 'L' shaped structure's long side has to be reduced in length a bit.
Posted by Sriram P on 2007 Apr 29 15:09:12 +0100
Good design.. just that the cab looks a bit too sharp.. maybe when its done, it should look ok..
Posted by Vrijilesh Rai on 2007 Apr 29 12:46:06 +0100