This is what I believe The Imperial Mail pulling into Nagpur Junction. This is an undated photograph reproduced from a glass plate negative. However the shining 4-4-2 E1 class locomotive at the helm suggests that the picture could be from 1910-5. Note the bowler hat official through the smoke on the second floor. Please move this to

Date: 2006-12-16
Owner: Harsh Vardhan
Full size: 1099x800

Yes, it dint take much of time to notice the FOB ramp which still serves the station on the south side.
Posted by Saqib Karori on 2006 Dec 20 11:51:31 +0000
Is the Imperial Mail different from the Imperial Indian Mail - the one that was the fore-father of the current HWH-CSTM mail via ALD?
Posted by PVS Praveen Kumar on 2006 Dec 19 13:20:06 +0000