Bangalore Rocks

Date: 2004-06-07
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 324 items

The new linebeing built thru BYPL Yard to provide a thru line between BYPL and SBC/YPR via BAND. BYPL Goods Yard, 18/4. By ND.


SPY SHOTS1: The SAN loco manufactured at Whitefield, coupled to a goods rake waiting to be sent to Maharashtra. This loco is for private use. Anil ahd spotted one of these locos also a couple of days earlier. BYPL Goods Yard, 18/4. By ND.


SPY SHOTS2: SAN loco bogey view. BYPL Goods Yard, 18/4. By ND.


SPY SHOT 3: The SAN Loco's workplace is stencilled on the side of the cab. Note the Cab being boarded up. BYPL Goods Yard, 18/4. By ND.


SPY SHOT 4: Undercarriage of the SAN loco. BYPL Yard, 18/4. By ND.


SPY SHOT 5: Rear end view of SAN loco. Note the headlamps being boarded up as well. BYPL Goods Yard, 18/4. By ND.


SPY SHOT 6: ED WAG7 in an older livery freshly painted at BYPL yard. There was another WAG 7 in the same livery coupled but since this is a sensitive area we did not get onto the lines. BYPL goods yard, 18/4. By ND.


Another view of the WAG7. BYPL Goods Yard, 18/4. By ND.


SPY SHOT 7: BEML made railbus being sent on a wagon to Sambalpur. BYPL Goods Yard, 18/4. By ND.


SPY SHOT 8: Army truck on one of the wagons. BYPL Goods yard, 18/4. By ND.


Jumbo Jungle: GTL WDM2 Jumbo side view. BYPL/CSDR Bypass, 18/4. By ND.


Jumbo Jungle: Side view of smokinn!! jumbo!. BYPL/CSDR Bypass, 18/4. By ND.


Karnataka Express starts out from CSDR and takes the sharp left into SBC main line. BYPL/CSDR Bypass, 18/4. By ND.


Karnataka Express headed by twin Kazipets banks left. Note the 2 short hoods of the locos facing forward, showing that the locos were hurriedly lashed together when notified of the Twin ETS failure somewhere in AP. BYPL/CSDR Bypass, 18/4. By ND.


Karnataka Express headed by Kazipet twins banks steep. BYPL/CSDR Bypass, 18/4. By ND.