Braganza 09/09/09- Moments of a lifetime

Two Musketeers and One new Warrior revisted the Braganza and conquered it again on the memorable 09/09/09.

Date: 2009-10-12
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 32 items

Pic 1 of 32: Sign of changing times...our first look at electrified YPR. 08-09-09, Jayasankar Madhavadas ()


Electrifying! Queue of AC locos at YPR - our first look at YPR under wires. 2009-09-08, Bizzy Mishra ()


WDG-3A 14660 was the link for the YPR-Vasco Exp. 2009-09-08, Bizzy Mishra ()


Charge it, Discharge it. simple! 2009-09-08, Bizzy Mishra ()


Pic 5 of 32: Twin aspect signal in UBL division? A long exposure shot captures both aspects of the starter for YPR-VSG at Devanur. 2009-09-08, Bizzy Mishra ()


Pic 6 of 32: Bankers attached to the YPR-VSG piercing the fog while awaiting departure from Castle Rock. 2009-09-09, Bizzy Mishra ()


Pic 7 of 32: Glories of the past still glowing brightly in the face of modernity ()


Face Off!!! Bull of India single-handedly challenges the Bulls of IR! 2009-09-09, Bizzy Mishra ()


Spirit of Braganza...A view of Castle Rock at dawn. 2009-09-09, Bizzy Mishra ()


Into thick air! A trio of WDG-4's running light from CLR disappears into the morning mist. 2009-09-09, Bizzy Mishra ()


The running room at CLR. Looks nothing less than a villa! Jayasankar Madhavadas, 09-09-09 ()


A trio of WDG-4s headed by 12048 undergoing fuelling at tripshed at CLR. Jayasankar Madhavadas, 09-09-09 ()


Back to Braganza, with a new warrior in our company. 2009-09-09, Bizzy Mishra ()


The true feel of the Braganza ghats - tracks disappearing into the thick mist. Jayasankar Madhavadas, 09-09-09 ()


A station for ghosts - Ghotewadi, a discarded station between CLR and CZL. Jayasankar Madhavadas, 09-09-09 ()

(view all 5 comments)
Marvelous job indeed. I am sure there are many more pics shot but not put up.
Posted by Zubin J Dotivala on 2009 Oct 18 09:51:24 +0100
amazing album! I have taken the liberty of sharing it on my Facebook, that is .Thnx!
Posted by Aseem Johri on 2009 Oct 17 17:37:53 +0100
Very cool album :-)
Posted by Krupa Ratnam on 2009 Oct 13 10:21:07 +0100