Waiting to be tipped over!!. WDS-6 #VPT13 VSKP, 2004-03-04. By Vikas Chander.

Date: 2004-03-08
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 900x1200

The locos back each wagon into the tippler, one at a time. When the last wagon is to be backed into the tippler, the flat wagons (dummies) are used as a safety measure to prevent the loco from being pulled into the tippler!
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 08:04:06 +0000
All these formations, typically, have one or two empty flat bed wagons between the loaded wagons and the WDSs, any idea why? - Sandeep Bhate.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Mar 09 04:18:16 +0000