Post Independence (1947) Broad Gauge Steam.

This album contains pictures of Indian Railway broad gauge steam locomotives from the post independence (1947) era.

Date: 2008-09-02
Owner: Harsh Vardhan
Size: 255 items (334 items total)

Bogies of the crane, along with the rotating mechansim. Jimmy Jose.


The rotating mechanism of the crane. Jimmy Jose.


Coupling between the various sections. Note the difference in bogies. Also note the newer Power Arm in the distance. Jimmy Jose.


The boiler of the steam crane up close. Jimmy Jose.


The complete boiler and related stuff of the crane. Jimmy Jose.


The under carriage of Vikrant is split to many parts. Look at Quilon Jn in the distance. Jimmy Jose.


Head on with the huge Vikrant/ It is so small when seen from the front. Jimmy Jose.


Vikrant and a newer crane, Power Arm in the background. Power Arm is used for electrification purposes. Jimmy Jose.


A beautifull BG travelling steam crane named Vikrant, TSC 703, based at Quilon Jn. BG steam cranes a re really rare and is my first sighting of the same. Seems this is the only one SR has. Jimmy Jose.


On the other side is this huge string of electrification related vehicles. Jimmy Jose.


On one side of the open area, TSC 703 Vikrant leads a string of accident relief vehicles, like MFD etc. Jimmy Jose.


The BG side at Bangalore. At the time XD were the only BG steam locos based there with 17 being allocated. They seemed to have mainly pilot duties. 1980. Mick Pope.


Bangalore Cantonment had a BG steam shed. An unusual visitor on this date was a WT class which was probably based at Arkonam or Basin Bridge and may have been there for repair. Several XD are around the shed, some semi-dismantled. 1980. Mick Pope.


More Bangalore. Another view of an XD. This must surely be one of the ugliest tenders ever attached to a loco that itself was far from beautiful. Bangalore, 1980. Mick Pope.


A WG hauling a morning passenger from Hyderabad to Secunderabad passes double WDM-2 on a freight. Shore of Hussain Sagar, 1984-01-04. John Lacey.