Malakwal and on to Faisalabad

Malakwal to Faisalabad. These photographs accompany Dr Roland Ziegler's report of a trip to Pakistan in 1996. All photographs belong to Dr Roland Ziegler.

Date: 2012-03-10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 10 items
Shunter at Malakwal station

Shunter at Malakwal station

Malakwal Depot

Malakwal Depot



Malakwal Depot - Workshops

Malakwal Depot - Workshops

Metal casting

Metal casting

Malakwal Depot

Malakwal Depot

Malakwal, arrival of a passenger train

Malakwal, arrival of a passenger train

Double headed by SPS locomotives

Double headed by SPS locomotives

Mianwala Station

Mianwala Station

Arrival in Sargodha

Arrival in Sargodha