This is the Miniature 25kV AC Pantygraph of the model WAG-5 Locomotive at ZRTI (BSL). Hats off to those Engineers/People who built this model Electric Locomotive and at the same time tried to maintain the miniature models as accurate and precise as possible with its real counterparts. (Kaushik Dharwadkar)

Date: 2011-02-14
Owner: Kaushik Dharwadkar
Full size: 1024x768

Posted by Debatra Mazumdar on 2011 Feb 17 07:30:29 +0000
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Now thats "KAUSHIK-DHARWADKAR" Stuff ;-).... Very minute capture Kaushik. Good one. And also appreciate your interests in electrical engineering and the simpler ways you have explained the technical details with respect to electric stuff on IR, to me...
Posted by Vijay Aravamudhan on 2011 Feb 14 12:40:05 +0000