GIPR: Extract from 3rd half-yearly meeting report

From London newspapers, 1851.

Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company. --
The third half-yearly meeting of this company was held yesterday at the offices in New Broad-street, City; Lord Wharncliffe in the chair The report said:-"The directors have to report that since the last half-yearly meeting the works of the railway between Bombay and Tannah have been let to Messrs. Faviell and Fowler, responsible English contractors, upon terms considerably below the estimate of the company's engineer. These works are now in active operation, and there is no reason to doubt that they will be completed within the period specified in the contract, namely, September, 1852. The directors h ave much pleasure in stating that the native labourers manifest considerable facility in adapting themselvs to the new modes of labour connected with railway works. It has been resolved, upon the determination of the Hon. East India Company, to construct the railway upon the gauge of 5 feet and 6 inches (intermediate between the broad gauge and narrow gauge respectively adopted in England). ..."